Pop My Mind Formation Exhibition

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The pop my mind exhibition at the Nunns Yard Gallery was a another great opportunity to display my work in a seeded  theme and or context centred around  the idea of  “Formation”. The works had a clear context to follow and the relationship founded within the space was diverse but clear to the theme. The carful selection of objects and videos made the work stand out within the space. Both mine and Louise Webbs work where placed at opposite ends off the space, creating a balanced relationship where they interacted without distracting from the initial intention of the individual moving image works. The piece I submitted aimed to question the formation and structural nature of repetition and how these can act as form of meditation or distraction.  The work was displayed on a 42 inch monitor on a constant loop, continuously repeating and repeating. No sound and or light where used in the display of this work because of the possibility that it may distract you away from other the works being displayed.